About educational programs

1. Brochurepresentation and application form

2. 123 Computer engineering (Bachelor's degree)

3. 123 Computer engineering (Master's degree)

4. 171 Electronics (Bachelor's degree)

5. 172 Telecommunications and radio engineering (Master's degree)


123 Computer engineering (Bachelor's degree)

Field of knowledge

12 Information technologies

Educational program

Computer engineering

Educational degrees and qualifications

Bachelor's degree - Bachelor of Computer Engineering

Duration of study  

Bachelor's degree - 3 years 10 months

The object of the graduate's activity

Software and hardware (hardware, programmable, reconfigurable, system and application software) of computers and computer systems for universal and special purposes, including stationary, mobile embedded, distributed, etc., local, global computer networks, Internet, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, IT infrastructures, interfaces and protocols for interaction of their components.

Information processes, technologies, methods, techniques and systems of automated and computer-aided design; debugging, production and operation, design documentation, standards, procedures and tools to support the life cycle management of software and hardware.

Type of activity of the graduate

Design, operation and maintenance of computer systems and networks; design of hardware, application and system software of computers, computer systems and networks for general and special purposes; creation of network applications; web programming, database creation and database management.

Primary positions in the field of activity

Software Engineer (SE): System Programmer, Application Programmer; Web Developer, Data Engineer.
System Administrator: System Administrator of Network / Database / Domain.

  • Analyst: Computer systems analyst, data analyst, data scientist, malware analyst.
  • Tester: QA Engineer, QA Tech Lead.
  • Project Manager: Project Manager (PM), Senior PM, Team Lead, Product.
  • Manager, Technical Lead, System Architect, Director of Engineering.

Main disciplines

Programming. Computer architecture. System programming. System software. Organization of databases. Software engineering. Signal and image processing. Computer networks. Parallel and distributed computing. Information security in computer systems. Computer systems engineering.

Graduating department

Computer engineering and electronics 

Head of the department 

Andriy Perekrest, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


20, Pershotravneva St., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, building 2, 4th floor, room. 2414

Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics: +38(050)0888436

University Admission Committee: (0536) 75-86-96

E-mail: kafkinel@gmail.com

Web: http://cee.kdu.edu.ua/en


123 Computer engineering (Master's degree)

Field of knowledge

12 Information technologies

Educational program

Computer engineering

Educational degrees and qualifications

Master's degree - Master of Science in Computer Engineering

Duration of study 

Master's degree - 1 year 4 months

Object of graduate activity

The objects of professional activity of masters are: 

  • software and hardware of computers and computer systems, local, global computer networks and the Internet, cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, IT infrastructures, interfaces and protocols for the interaction of their components;
  • processes, technologies, methods, techniques, tools and systems for research, computer-aided and automatic design; debugging, production and operation of software and hardware, design documentation, standards, procedures and tools to support their life cycle management;
  • methods of representing, receiving, storing, transmitting, processing and protecting information in a computer, mathematical models of computing processes, computing technologies, including high-performance, parallel, distributed, mobile, web-based and cloud, green (energy efficient), secure, autonomous, adaptive, intelligent, smart, etc. architecture and organization of the functioning of relevant software and hardware.

Type of activity of the graduate

Research, design, production and technological, organizational and managerial, expert activities in the field of computer engineering, creation of new and improvement of existing computer systems, networks and their components, based on modern theoretical and practical approaches.

Primary positions in the field of activity

Software Engineer (SE): System Programmer, Application Programmer; Web Developer, Data Engineer.

System Administrator: System Administrator of Network / Database / Domain.

  • Analyst: Computer systems analyst, data analyst, data scientist, malware analyst.
  • Tester: QA Engineer, QA Tech Lead.
  • Project Manager: Project Manager (PM), Senior PM, Team Lead, Product Manager, Technical Lead, System Architect, Director of Engineering.

Main disciplines

Cyber-physical systems. Network information technologies. Modern operating systems. Fundamentals of software quality analysis. Applied programming in computer networks. Intelligent data analysis. Fundamentals of DevOps. Computer systems of artificial intelligence.

Graduating department

Computer engineering and electronics 

Head of the department

Andriy Perekrest, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


20, Pershotravneva St., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, building 2, 4th floor, room. 2414

Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics: +38(050)0888436

University Admission Committee: (0536) 75-86-96

E-mail: kafkinel@gmail.com

Web: http://cee.kdu.edu.ua/en


171 Electronics

Field of knowledge

17 Electronics and telecommunications

Educational program

Technology, equipment and production of electronic equipment

Educational degrees and qualifications

Degree of higher education: bachelor's degree

Educational qualification: Bachelor's degree in electronics

Duration of study 

3 years 10 months
Object of graduate activity

Equipment and production of electronic equipment, electronic television and communication systems; information transmission and processing systems; systems for diagnostics and repair of electronic systems, intelligent information exchange technologies.

Type of activity of the graduate

The work is related to specialized and practical tasks of development, design, production, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and modernization of electronic devices and systems.

Primary positions in the field of activity

  • master of repair of devices and equipment; 
  • design technician 
  • technician-technologist
  • programmer technician; 
  • radio operator technician; 
  • telecommunications dispatcher; 
  • telecommunication technician;   
  • operator of medical equipment; 
  • telecommunications inspector;    
  • radio frequency control operator;   
  • instructor on operational;
  • production, technical and organizational issues of telecommunications.

Main disciplines

  • Fundamentals of electronics.
  • Modeling in electronics.
  • Digital circuitry.
  • Electronic devices of robotic systems.
  • Technology of electronic devices.
  • Electronic devices of cybernetic systems.
  • Materials and materials science of electronic devices.
  • Design of electronic devices.
  • Production of electronic devices.
  • CAD of electronic devices.
  • Network interfaces of electronic devices.
  • Programming of microcontrollers.

Graduating department

Computer engineering and electronics

Head of the department

Andriy Perekrest, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


20, Pershotravneva St., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, building 2, 4th floor, room. 2414

Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics: +38(050)0888436

University Admission Committee: (0536) 75-86-96

E-mail: kafkinel@gmail.com

Web: http://cee.kdu.edu.ua/en


172 Telecommunications and radio engineering

Field of knowledge

17 Electronics and telecommunications

Educational program

Biotechnical and medical devices and systems

Educational degrees and qualifications

Master's degree in telecommunications and radio engineering

Duration of study 

Master's degree - 1 year 4 months

Object of graduate activity

Satellite television and communications; radar and radio navigation; information transmission and processing systems; wired and mobile electronic alarm and video surveillance systems; information protection in communication systems; fixed and mobile communication systems; digital television; studio complex equipment; television equipment, systems for diagnostics and repair of telecommunication systems, intelligent information exchange technologies.

Type of activity of the graduate

The graduates' activities are aimed at research and practical development of hardware and software systems of the latest communication and information technologies. These are systems for transmitting information via fiber-optic, radio, radio relay and cable communication lines, as well as digital switching systems for multipurpose use, telecommunication networks and information security on them.

Primary positions in the field of activity

Telecommunication systems design engineer at communication enterprises; telecommunication systems management and maintenance engineer; specialist in the development and implementation of information security software in banking systems; telecommunication networks and network equipment operation engineer; engineer for the development and debugging of system software, control and diagnostics of telecommunication and information networks and systems; head or foreman of a production site.

Main disciplines

  • Computer modeling of biomedical RF devices.
  • Technical vision systems.
  • Operation of biomedical equipment.
  • Optimization of design of radio electronic devices.
  • Network technologies of biotechnical systems.
  • Internet of things in biotechnical and medical devices.
  • Cross-platform programming of electronic devices.
  • Development of medical applications for mobile devices.

Graduating department

Computer engineering and electronics

Head of the department

Andriy Perekrest, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professorт


20, Pershotravneva St., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, building 2, 4th floor, room. 2414

Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics: +38(050)0888436

University Admission Committee: (0536) 75-86-96

E-mail: kafkinel@gmail.com

Web: http://cee.kdu.edu.ua

Presentation of the department in Ukrainian: