
№ auditory


Purpose and description of the equipment


Data engineering laboratory

A database server was installed, a local computer network for 8 personal computers was mounted. The PCs of the laboratory were connected to the educational LAN of the department and the Internet. Linux and MS Windows 7 operating systems are installed on the workstations. A multimedia projector was installed.


Programming laboratory

A Web server was installed, a local computer network for 8 personal computers was mounted. The laboratory's PCs were connected to the department's educational LAN and the Internet. Linux and MS Windows 7 operating systems are installed on the workstations.


Laboratory of computer systems and networks

2504: A local computer network for 8 personal computers is installed. The laboratory is equipped with a switch with a transmission speed of 100 Mbit. The connection to the educational LAN of the department and the Internet was made. Two laboratory stands are mounted: 1) a stand for simulating the operation of an automatic parking lot with the ability to program microcontrollers; 2) a stand for designing general-purpose computer networks.
2505: A local computer network for 8 personal computers with a dedicated server was installed. The laboratory is equipped with a HUB with a transmission speed of 100 Mbps. The laboratory PC is connected to the educational LAN of the department. A multimedia projector was installed.


Cabinet of course and diploma design

A local area network for 8 personal computers was installed. MS Windows 7 operating system is installed on the workstations. The PCs of the laboratory were connected to the educational LAN of the department and the Internet. A magnetic marker board and a multimedia projector were installed.


Laboratory of the basics of electronic equipment design

The laboratory is intended for conducting classes in the disciplines of specialties 171 - "Electronics" and 172 - "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering", field of knowledge 17 - "Electronics and Telecommunications".


Computer lab / Testing centre was established through the generous aid of the University of Leicester

The laboratory is intended for conducting classes in the disciplines of specialties 171 - "Electronics" and 172 - "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering", field of knowledge 17 - "Electronics and Telecommunications".


Laboratory of telecommunication systems

The laboratory is intended for conducting classes in the disciplines of specialties 171 - "Electronics" and 172 - "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" of the field of knowledge 17 - "Electronics and Telecommunications"


Laboratory of materials science and basics of electronic devices production

The laboratory is intended for conducting classes in the disciplines of specialties 171 - "Electronics" and 172 - "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering", field of knowledge 17 - "Electronics and Telecommunications"


Laboratory of television and radio communication foundations

The laboratory is intended for conducting classes in the disciplines of specialties 171 - "Electronics" and 172 - "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering", field of knowledge 17 - "Electronics and Telecommunications"


Laboratory of systems and means of controlling technological processes and installations

The laboratory includes a computer classroom with modern computers and training stands.


Digital Competence Office

A local computer network for 12 personal computers was installed. MS Windows 7 operating system is installed on the workstations. The laboratory PCs were connected to the university network and the Internet. A magnetic marker board and a multimedia projector were installed.