History of the department
The Department of CIE was established in 2021 on the basis of the Departments of Computer Information Systems and Electronic Devices (Order No. 112-1 of 29.06.2021). The department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Andrii Perekrest.
Currently, the Department of CIE trains applicants for the educational qualification levels "Bachelor", "Master" in the specialty 123 "Computer Engineering", "Bachelor" - specialty 171 "Electronics", "Master" - specialty 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" and the level of "Doctor of Philosophy" in the field of "Information Technology".
Department of Computer and Information SystemsThe Department of Computer and Information Systems (originally called Computer Engineering and Programming) was established in January 1994 on the initiative of the Director of the Kremenchuk Branch of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute V. Maslov as a general education department to provide basic computer training for students of all specialties. The department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor V.S. Titarenko, under whose leadership during 1994-95 a friendly, hardworking, purposeful team of teachers of the Department of Automation of Production Processes and Robotics, specialists of the branch's computer center (assistants T. V. Khablo, Y.V. Lashko, O.V. Usenko, O.M. Motolyga, V.S. Kiba), joined by university graduates (assistants V.M. Sydorenko, V.Y. Kucherenko (Belskaya), A.L. Yudina (Smirnova), Yu.V. Zilinsky, N.O. Maslova), the material and technical base of the department was created (two computer classes equipped with Iskra-226 personal computers and a terminal station for eight workstations), teaching and methodological support was developed and the educational process was organized. The first faculty of the department (first from the left, V.S. Titarenko). The first anniversary of the department's foundation, February 23, 1995 In accordance with the needs of the city and the region, the department and the management of the branch were working purposefully to open training of specialists in computer technology. In 1997, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor M.I. Guchenko, under whose leadership in 1998 the training of engineers in the specialty 7.091501 - "Computer Systems and Networks" was licensed for full-time education. The department became a graduate department. M.I. Guchenko also started training of scientific personnel at the department (assistants Y.V. Lashko and V.M. Sydorenko), opened a postgraduate and doctoral program and laid the foundations of the department's scientific school. In 1999-2000, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor O.P. Chornyi, under whose leadership the work in the area of "Computer technologies in the study of electromechanical systems, creation of virtual equipment for the educational process and research" was intensified. During this time, two new computer classes were created and equipped with modern computer hardware and software, and educational and methodological support for the disciplines of the bachelor's degree program in Computer Engineering was developed. In 2000, the Department of Computer Engineering and Programming was reorganized into the Department of Computer and Information Systems. The department was headed by Vice-Rector for Research, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor A.V. Lugovoi, who for a long time provided scientific and methodological guidance for the introduction of computer technologies at the university, the implementation of important research work on the development of automated enterprise and process control systems at many enterprises in the country. Associate Professor G. Sysiuk was appointed Deputy Head of the Department, and he began targeted work on creating specialized laboratories for students majoring in Computer Systems and Networks. In 2005, the department received a license to train masters in the specialty 8.091501 - "Computer Systems and Networks". The staff of the department includes O.A. Durnytska (Chorna) (2000), N.L. Sokhin and T.O. Frolova (Belikova) (2003). In 2008 and 2009, the Department was joined by future PhDs, Associate Professors O.G. Slavko and P.P. Kostenko (headed by Prof. M.I. Guchenko), who began to actively develop student research and international relations. In 2017, O.G. Slavko and P.P. Kostenko as a team of authors became laureates of the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists. Professor M.I. Guchenko (third from left) among the authors of the research paper "Development of scientific bases and creation of multifunctional radio-electronic systems, their implementation in modern aviation and training complexes to improve flight safety" at the ceremony of awarding the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology 2010 by the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician B.E. Paton (fifth from left) First Vice-Rector V.V. Nikiforov (center) and Professor M.I. Huchenko (right) watching the flight of an unmanned helicopter with research equipment during a research study of the ecological state of the Kremenchuk floodplains (2008) Visit of the delegation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine consisting of Academician V.M. Kuntsevych (center) and Corresponding Member A.O. Chykriy (left) to the department on the occasion of the opening of the permanent scientific seminar of the Ukrainian Association of Automatic Control "Control Problems in Information Control and Ergatic Systems" under the direction of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M.I. Guchenko (right). Visit to NPO "AVIA", 2009. From 2018 to 2020, the department was again headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology M. I. Huchenko, and from 2020 to 2021 - by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor V.M. Sydorenko. |
Department of electronic devicesThe Department of Electronic Devices was established by the order of the Rector of KDPI No. 84-1 dated May 26, 1999. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Vladyslav Mospan was appointed Head of the Department. The creation of the department was due to the need to provide training in the field of 0910 - "Electronic devices". The new department was focused on the most modern educational technologies and was based on the many years of experience of one of the oldest departments of the Institute, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics. Employees of the EA Department It was this department that became the basis for the formation of all the departments of electrical and computer engineering, which were later merged into the Institute of Electromechanics, Energy Saving and Computer Technologies and the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering. At the time of its creation, the Department of Electronic Devices had the most powerful scientific and pedagogical staff at the university. It was staffed by Doctors of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professors O. I. Yelizarov and V. V. Bohoboyashchyi, Doctor of Engineering, Professor O. M. Andrusenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Maslov V.E., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professors Mospan V.O., Mychkovskyi Y.G., Nekrasov V.O., Nekrasov A.V., Strizhak V.D., Bilyi P.M., Solonar D.P., Pivovarov M.M, Smirnytskyi B.V., Reshetniak V.I., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professors Negrii O.I., Yemchenko V.I. A progressive, capable creative team of like-minded people was formed, where talented young people and experienced specialists in the relevant fields of science and technology worked successfully and fruitfully together with well-known scientists. These are senior lecturers Bezdeniezhnykh I.B., Luhova O.V., Mikhalchuk V.I., Mikhalchuk O.P., Shevchenko S.V., Sankov S.V., Snishchenko R.G., Tkachenko S.V., Fomovskyi F.V., Yakymets S.M., Yani S.V., assistants Ardashov S.A., Zablotska T.Y., Fomovska O.V., Postil I.I. In the difficult conditions of economic turmoil, restructuring of the higher education system, the efforts of these people solved a difficult task - obtained state licenses and accreditation certificates for educational activities in the following educational and qualification levels: bachelor - direction 0910 - "Electronic devices" in the amount of 105 people, specialist - in the following specialties: 7.091001 - "Production of Electronic Devices" in the specialty "Electronic devices of banking systems and information security" - 25 people (curator of the specialty, senior lecturer R.G. Snishchenko), 7.091002 - "Biotechnical and medical devices and systems" - 50 people (curator of the specialty, Cand. D., Associate Professor O.I. Negriy), 7.091003 - "Electronic Household Appliances" - 25 people (curator of the specialty, senior lecturer F.V. Fomovsky), master's degree - in specialty 8.091002 - "Biotechnical and medical devices and systems" - 5 people (curator of the specialty, Cand, Associate Professor Negriy O.I.). The department has provided high-quality training for specialists at all these levels and areas, which is confirmed by the assessments of state examination commissions and feedback from enterprises and institutions both in Ukraine and abroad, where our graduates are successfully working. The development of this new field of study required extraordinary efforts from each participant in this process in terms of methodological, scientific, and organizational work. Suffice it to recall that the number of academic disciplines taught by the department exceeded 80 in some years, and each of them required appropriate high-quality methodological, scientific and material support. And in solving these problems, the department's connections with leading educational institutions, industrial enterprises and institutions played a significant role. Fruitful creative ties were established with the Department of Design and Production of Radioelectronic Equipment of NTUU KPI (Head of the Department, Academician Zinkovskyi Y.F.), the Departments of Biotechnical and Medical Equipment (Head of the Department, Doctor of Phys. Bykh A.I.) and Automation of Radio Electronic Equipment Design (Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences Nevliudov I.S.) of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and other educational institutions of Ukraine that train specialists in the field of 0910 - Electronic Devices. A significant role in the formation of the material and technical base of the department was played and continues to be played by medical institutions of Kremenchuk, the plant "Olimp" OJSC in Svitlovodsk. Svitlovodsk, the Visit shopping and entertainment center, the Kremenchuk branch of Privatbank, and other enterprises and institutions of the region that help to equip the department's specialized laboratories with the necessary equipment and are the main employers for graduates. Effective training of specialists requires constant scientific growth and improvement from each teacher. The department conducts research in the area of "Methods and means of generating, displaying and determining the parameters of physical processes and fields of technical and biological objects". On the initiative of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V. Bogoboyashchyi, since 2001, the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Conference "Physical Processes and Fields of Technical and Biological Objects" has been held annually in November, which has found support and recognition among scientists in our country and abroad. During the time of its existence, the teachers and doctoral students of the Department prepared and defended three doctoral dissertations (Prof. Andrusenko O.M., Prof. Bogoboyashchyi V.V., Prof. Huchenko M.I.), postgraduate students and applicants - five candidate dissertations (Assoc. Prof. Bilyi P.M., Assoc. Prof. Mospan V.O., Assoc. Prof. Mikhalchuk V.I., Assoc. Prof. Yurko O.O., Assoc. Prof. Fomovska O.V.). The students of the department perform well in the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the field of Electronic Devices, which is held annually in Kharkiv. The team consisting of V. Melnychenko, R. Kopyla, P. Alekseev took the third place in the team competition in 2008. And student Levadnyi V. won the third place in the individual competition in 2009. The best graduates (Ardashov S.A., Gladkyi V.V., Grigorenko V.Y., Kukharenko D.V.) successfully work at their native department, providing the intergenerational connection so necessary for the team, which is the key to its sustainable development and improvement. So, the story is not over - there are many plans, tasks, problems ahead and, undoubtedly, their successful overcoming. |