International achievements
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University is actively working on the development of international relations, which are aimed at expanding cooperation with educational and research institutions of foreign countries in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process and research work at the university, finding partners for joint international projects and receiving grants, scholarships. KrNU partners are the Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany), Badji Mokhtar University of Annaba (Algeria), University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Miskolc University, etc.
In connection with the declared European integration of Ukraine and on the basis of priorities for expanding cooperation with countries near and far abroad, the Department of Computer and Information Systems is actively working to find foreign partners and establish close contacts with scientists. At the same time, a number of areas of interest for cooperation are outlined: expansion of creative and scientific relations between higher educational institutions of Ukraine and European countries, in particular, with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice (Slovakia).
In addition, lecturers, students and graduate students of the CIS department take an active participation in All-Ukrainian and International scientific conferences and internship programs abroad.
Since 2018, employees of the CIS department prof. Huchenko M.I., assoc. prof. Sydorenko V.M. and assoc. prof. Mamchur D.H. participate in the project ERASMUS+ KA2 Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens - dComFra, 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2CBHE-SP, in which they actively cooperate with the research and teaching employees of related departments of following universities:
- Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania);
- Carinthian University of Applied Sciences (Villach, Austria);
- Czech University of Natural Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic);
- Commission of Public Education Pedagogical University (Krakow, Republic of Poland);
- Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Romania).
During the project M.I. Huchenko, V.М. Sydorenko and D.H. Mamchur visited the partner universities, where they took part in events dedicated to the development of new approaches and measures to increase the digital competencies of Ukrainian teachers and other citizens, taking into account the current state of development of digital technologies.
On November 14-15, 2019, Natalia Sokhin, assistant of Computer and Information Systems Department, and Svitlana Kravchenko, student of of Computer and Information Systems Department, took part in the international conference LOGI-2019. The event was held in cooperation with the Faculty of Technology of the Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice, VSTE. The conference was held under the auspices of the project "Future of Autonomous Mobility in Central Europe (FAME)". This project is funded by a grant from the International Visegrad Fund. The organizer of the international scientific conference LOGI is the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice. This conference is dedicated to current topics and trends in the area of transport and logistics, related to the functioning of all modes of transport and transport and logistics technologies. Topics of work include the operation of autonomous vehicles and loading and unloading equipment, automotive, the use and operation of air, water, road and rail transport, the application of applied mathematical methods and methods of research operations in terms of transport and logistics.
Nataliia Sokhin has presented the report "Study of prognostic capabilities of the algorithm for building a local model of a controlled process for traffic forecasting", and Svitlana Kravchenko has presented the report "Method of classification of time series of tonal estimates in problems of sentimental analysis of textual content". Both reports were made in the section "Innovative information systems and smart technologies application within transport and logistics processes" ("Application of innovative information systems and intelligent technologies in transport and logistics processes").
As a result of participation, in addition to scientific publications, further cooperation of the Faculty of Technology of the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice and the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering of KrNU was reached.
From June 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018, a 12-week internship of Anton Gladyr, a student of the CIS department, was held within the research internship program of Ukrainian students in Canada Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Program. Mitacs is a non-profit national research organization that funds international research and academic exchange programs for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students in partnership with universities, industry and the Government of Canada.
Anton Gladyr's internship was based at McGill University, Canada's oldest and most famous university in Montreal, Quebec, under the guidance of Professors John Kildea and Laurie J. Hendren as part of the Opal - Oncology Portal and Application project. and a mobile app) at the University Medical Center, which is one of Canada’s largest medical facilities.
During the internship, Anton developed a "friendly" user interface that allows cancer patients to access information about their treatment in a convenient way. An article about the successful internship of a Kremenchug student at McGill University has been published on the official website of the Canadian government organization Mitacs:
The article notes that the new mobile application is convenient and easy to use, it helps to improve the quality of information support for cancer patients at Montreal Medical Center at McGill University. The appendix, which is called a project and is currently being used in a pilot study, provides patients with access to their treatment plan, laboratory results, timing of procedures, and disease-specific educational materials. Internship Director Professor John Kildea notes: “Anton's internship as a developer in the McGill Medical Physics department of our Medical Center has been a great support for our research team. His advanced interface, which contains information about patients, will help us organize the necessary data for medical research and allow patients to find out about their health before meeting with a doctor, which will save time for both patients and medical staff. The collected data will allow to carry out research of comparative efficiency and to define the most effective methods of treatment of patients. This is a huge help to cancer patients, who will be able to instantly access their personal data by providing the doctor with intermediate information about the effectiveness of treatment between hospital visits".
- Internship of a student of the CIS department according to the program of the Republic of Lithuania
Student Gladyr A.A. from September 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019 (5 months) had an internship under the program of the Republic of Lithuania at the University of Applied Sciences (Alytaus Kolegija), Alytus, Lithuania.
The program is similar to the Erasmus exchange program, but is funded by the Government of Lithuania and lasts for one semester (from September 1 to January 31). During the study, the student must receive 30 academic credits, which will be transferred to the home university. When applying, the student chooses the University of Lithuania and the disciplines he / she would like to attend (there should be a total of 30 academic credits), but the choice of subjects depends on the chosen university, as each university has its own list of subjects. Student Gladyr Anton has chosen:
- PHP Programming;
- Databases;
- Basics of Programming;
- Business English;
- HTML Technologies;
- Computer Graphics.
Classes for foreign students are held in English (however, if you have knowledge of the Lithuanian language, you can go to classes with Lithuanian students). The University of Applied Sciences has two buildings: the main one and the IT department. The buildings are new, have modern classrooms and laboratories.
In 2017, within the framework of the academic exchange program, Professor of the Computer and Information Systems Department Huchenko M.I. completed an internship at the Institute of Technology and Business, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. The institute is a state educational institution. Prepares bachelors and masters in economics, mechanical engineering, construction, transport and logistics.
The internship lasted three weeks (from November 5 to November 25, 2016) and took place on the basis of the Department of Informatics and Natural Sciences. During the internship Huchenko M.I.:
- Got acquainted with the organization of the educational process at the Institute "Technical and Economic High School", at the Department of Informatics and Natural Sciences;
- got acquainted with the curriculum and programs of disciplines for students majoring in "Construction" and "Logistics Technology".
- Got acquainted with the directions and results of research work of the Department of Informatics and Natural Sciences, in particular with the results of research on the use of advanced information technologies for the organization of efficient public transport in Ceske Budejovice.
- Prepared and conducted at the Department of Informatics and Natural Sciences VSTE report on the directions and results of research work of the Department of Computer and Information Systems KrNU.
- Got acquainted with the organization of the educational process of preparing students for the international mobility program for students and teachers "Erasmus".
- Attended a lecture on mathematics under the international program "Erasmus" (lecturer Mgr. Michaela Vargova, PhD, Slovakia, topic "Differential Equations") and prepared and conducted a lecture on the discipline Decision Making Theory on "Decisions and Linear Programming" under the international program "Erasmus".
- Together with his Czech and Ukrainian colleagues, he prepared a joint article on traffic management in computer networks for publication in a Czech professional scientific publication.
From 5 to 16 November 2014, lecturers of the CIS department Ph.D. Slavko O.H., Ph.D. Kostenko P.P. and Ph.D. Mamchur D.H. represented KrNU in the "Open World" program, funded by the USA Congress, implemented by the Open World Leadership Center at the Library of Congress, administered by the American Councils for International Education: ACTR / ACCELS (American Councils).
The Open World program aims to improve mutual understanding and cooperation between Ukraine and the United States of America by providing opportunities for Ukrainian leaders in various fields to meet with their American counterparts and share experiences and ideas on education, local government, and leadership. The Open World program is the only exchange program for the USA legislature and receives annual funding from the USA Congress.
November 5-6, 2014 Slavko O.H, Kostenko P.P. and Mamchur D.H. held a series of meetings in Washington and listened to lectures by scientists from Georgetown and New York Universities. The meeting with representatives of Senators Jeff Merkley and Peter DeFasio discussed the specifics of higher education funding, the organization of USA university admissions companies, the construction of the educational process and the existing ways of exchanging students between educational institutions in Oregon and Poltava.
The next phase of the program took place from November 7 to November 16 in Roseburg, Oregon. The main program was held at Ampqua College and the University of Oregon, where our colleagues held a series of meetings to share experiences on building courses and programs, providing mechanisms for student mobility and academic exchanges between KrNU and the University of Oregon, e-learning, advocacy work in the organization of introductory companies, financing of the educational process and research.
In the process of friendly talks, issues of joint student video conferences, distance learning of teachers, joint educational developments, exchange of teachers to improve their skills, as well as participation of educational institutions of the Open World program in scientific and technical events of KrNU .
In 2014, within the budget program 2201250 "Training, internships, advanced training of students, graduate students, research and teaching staff abroad" Slabchenko Olesya Olehivna, a graduate student of the Computer and Information Systems Department, has internship at the University of Mons (Belgium).
The internship took place at the University of Mons (UMONS) at the Polytechnic Faculty (FPMs), which is one of the leading polytechnics in Belgium, as well as the oldest higher education institution in Mons and the first engineering school in Belgium. Olesya Slabchenko was assigned to the Department of Mathematics and Operations Research at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Mons under the leadership of Professor Mark Pirlo and Professor Xavier Siber. During the first days of her stay at the University of Mons, she determined further priority areas of cooperation both during the stay at the university and after the end of the internship in the form of cooperation between lecturers of departments.
Within the framework of the Ministery of education, science, youth and sport program "On student training and internships for graduate students, research and teaching employees in leading universities and research institutions abroad", from February 15 to March 15, 2012, the lecturer of the Computer and Information Systems Department PhD.Slavko O.H. has an internship at the Institute of Dynamics and Oscillations of the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany.
At the beginning of the internship there was a review of the structure of the Institute, a brief overview of the areas and topics of research at the Institute, listened to the presentation of the laboratory of micromotor modeling, acquaintance with the software and hardware of this laboratory. Slavko O.H. was allocated in one of the offices. For some time after the start of the internship Slavko O.H. had a report on her research conducted at KrNU, in order to determine the further direction of cooperation with the Institute of Dynamics and Oscillations. The software product developed at the Institute of Dynamics and Oscillations, in particular for modeling of dynamic systems, was acquainted with, and the implementation of Slavko O.H. developed in it was performed. methods of compensation of external influences on dynamic systems in conditions of uncertainty and nonstationarity.
This internship is one of the forms of cooperation between KrNU and the Institute of Dynamics and Oscillations of the Technical University of Braunschweig.
From 16.10.2011 to 27.10.2011 graduate student of the CIS department Kostenko P.P. and the lecturer of the CIS department Mamchur D.H. as members of the delegation of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University took part in the Eastern European Summer School and the International Conference of Young Scientists OWD’2011. The invitation was sent by the Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Silesian University of Technology, Prof. Jerzy Rutkowski. According to rules of the program, the costs during the stay in Poland were financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The opening of the summer school took place in the conference hall of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Faculty Board Hall).
The meeting was attended by: Dean and management of the faculty, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland, representatives of the Department of Mechatronics, headed by Prof. Krzysztof Kluczynski.
During the plenary session, participants listened to two lectures: Dr. Marek Kciuk's "Actuators of an alloy with memory of form" and Dr. Wojciech Burlikowski "Application of Hamilton's formalism in electromechanics".
The plenary session was followed by excursions to the laboratories of the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science - "Flight Virtual Laboratory" and "Laboratory of Mobile Robots". Equipment was demonstrated - stationary and mobile simulators for aircraft and helicopter control, as well as flight control and management systems on models of aircraft, helicopters and mobile robots.
The delegation also attended a lecture by prof. Barbara Skolud in the new 3D-laboratory of the university on the topic "3D technologies in the training of engineers". The established laboratories were attended by 150 scientists from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 200 applications were developed, the project lasted 30 months, 160,000 hours were spent on its implementation and 3,000,000 euros were spent. As part of the lecture, a demonstration of the developed applications was held, followed by a discussion on the topic of the report.
A meeting was held with the Vice-Rector for International Relations Prof. Jerzy Rutkowski and the head of the department of mechatronics prof. Krzysztof Kluczynski in the conference hall (Senate Hall) of the Faculty of Mining and Geology. The meeting included a presentation of the Silesian University of Technology and delegations of summer school participants. After that, participants listened to a lecture by Dr. Richard Nakonechny (Faculty of Architecture) "Architecture of the Old Town in Krakow and Bielsko-Biała". After the lecture, participants of the summer school had the opportunity to take a few photos in the conference hall of the university.
After the closing of the summer school, the international conference of young scientists OWD’2011 began. The conference included five sections on thematic areas. Dmytro Mamchur presented a report on the topic: "Diagnosis of induction motors based on the analysis of the instantaneous power spectrum", and Pavlo Kostenko presented a report on the topic: "Optimization of SQL-query syntax based on the local model of the controlled process".
After the conference, a meeting of experts was held to award prizes to conference participants. After the break, a plenary session of young experts was held, at which lectures were given by young Polish scientists. The award ceremony took place after the meeting.