Kukharenko Dmytro Volodymyrovych

Associate Professor, C.Sc. (Ph.D.)

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Kukharenko Dmytro Volodymyrovych was born on March 08, 1983 in Kremenchuk.

Education: Graduated from gymnasium №6 with honors in 2000. This year he entered Kremenchuk State Polytechnic University, graduating with honors in December 2005 (Master's degree in Biotechnical and Medical Devices and Systems). From February 2006 to 2014 he worked as an assistant at the Department of Electronic Devices. He defended his dissertation at the Specialized Academic Council of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics in the specialty "Biological and Medical Devices and Systems" on the topic: "Computer system of preoperative planning of surgical correction of human oculomotor pathology".

The main stages of pedagogical and scientific activity in higher education institutions of the III-IV accreditation level:

  • From 01.09.2014 to 29.06.2022 he worked as an associate professor at the Department of Electronic Devices.
  • In 2016, he received a certificate of associate professor of the Department of Electronic Devices.
  • In 2017, he received the Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical development.
  • From June 30, 2022 to the present, he has been working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.

Disciplines: "Medical Physics", "Optimization of Design of Radioelectronic Devices", "Devices for Recording and Reproduction of Information", "Design of Biotechnical Systems", "Radio Engineering Devices", "Digital Recording and Reproduction Systems", "Measuring and Monitoring Complexes in Medicine", "Electrodynamics and Propagation of Radio Waves, Medical Implantation Devices, Innovative Approaches in the Technical Support of Medical Technologies, Fundamentals of Electrodynamics, Technical and Methodological Support of Medical and Diagnostic Processes. In these disciplines, he compiled lecture notes, curricula and work programs; prepared and published guidelines for laboratory, practical and independent work for full-time students, tasks for comprehensive tests, tasks for current, modular and final tests of students' knowledge, conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes.