Mospan Denys Vladyslavovych

Associate Professor, C.Sc. (Ph.D.)
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
- In 1998, he graduated with honors from Kremenchuk State Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations and Technological Complexes and received a qualification as an electrical engineer (diploma TA № 10133468).
- In 2012, he defended his PhD thesis on "Improving the technology of forming flat sheet parts with a straight riffle by bending" in the specialty 05.03.05 - "Processes and machines of pressure treatment" (diploma DK № 008831).
The main stages of pedagogical and scientific activity in higher education institutions of the III-IV accreditation level:
- From 1998 to 2002, he studied at the postgraduate program of Kremenchuk State Polytechnic University.
- From 2013 to 2016, he was a doctoral student at the Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.
- In 2013, he was appointed Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Devices.
- In 2018, he received the academic title of associate professor at the Department of Electronic Devices (certificate of AD № 001368)
- From 30.06.2022 to the present, he has been working as an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.
Courses: "Modeling in Electronics", "Development and design of design documentation for electronic equipment", "Physical and theoretical foundations of electronic equipment design", "Design of electronic devices".
Research interests: Author of more than 150 scientific and methodological works, including 43 articles, 46 abstracts, 3 monographs, 4 textbooks, and 6 patents.