Samoilov Andrii Mykolayovych

Senior lecturer
Profiles: Scopus ORCID ResearcherID Google Scholar
Conformity licensed requirements of proceedings educational activity
Certificates about promotion qualifications
Senior lecturer
Teaches disciplines: "Computer networks", Network technologies of biotechnical systems, Information stability of computer systems and networks.
- 1989:Leningrad Higher Military Engineering School, Radio Communication, Radio Engineer.
- 2002: Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Information and Management Systems and Technologies, Computer Systems Analyst.
Advanced training:
- 2020: Inter -sectoral Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Specialists of Poltava University of Economics and Trade, under the program "The latest innovative technologies in higher education"; certificate ПК №01597997 /00605-2020, 13.03.2020.
Research interests: computer systems and networks, administration of computer networks, IT-project management, industrial networks, operating systems, digital multimedia processing.
Other activities:
- Management of scientific work of students.