Scientific research
The main areas of scientific research of the department are:
- Problems of control in information-control and ergatic systems, supervisor Dr., Professor Huchenko.
- Automated energy monitoring technologies and efficient use of energy resources in the energy supply of multi-storey buildings, supervisor Dr., Professor Perekrest.
- Monitoring of complex systems based on data mining, supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Sydorenko.
- Smart Solutions (IoT, AI, Automation), supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Mamchur.
- Modeling, computer technologies and medical equipment for determining the patient's pathological condition, supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Kukharenko.
- Development of android technologies for solving the tasks of monitoring the state of electromechanical systems and training specialists in electrical engineering, supervisor Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.) Chorna
- ‘Development, implementation of software and hardware tools for rational environmental management and analysis of atmospheric air quality’, supervisors: Doctor of Engineering, Head of the Department Andrii Leonidovych Perekrest; Doctor of Engineering, Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Natural Sciences Volodymyr Sergiyovych Baharev.