Speciality 123 Computer engineering


the first (bachelor) level of higher education in speciality 123 Computer engineering the field of knowledge 12 Information technologies

Qualification: Bachelor of Computer engineering




Drafted by working group (methodological committee of speciality 123 Сomputer engineering ) including:

  • Mykola Ivanovych Huchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Systems, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.
  • Slavko Olena Hennadiivna, candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor , Department of Computer and Information Systems, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.
  • Luhovoi Ananatolii Vasyliovych, candidate of technical sciences, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Systems, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.
  • Kostenko Pavlo Pavlovych, candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Systems, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.
  • Sydorenko Valerii Mykolaiovych, candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Systems, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.


  1. Profile of the educational program in speciality 123 Сomputer engineering


1 – General information

Full name of higher educational institution and structural unit

Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University Faculty of electronics and computer engineering Department of Computer and information systems

The degree of higher education and the name of the qualification in the language of the original

The degree of higher education – bachelor.
The name of the qualification – bachelor of computer engineering.
Qualification in diploma: bachelor of computer engineering

The official name of the educational program

The educational program of the first (bachelor) level of higher education, Bachelor degree, field of study 12 «Information technologies» speciality 123 «Computer engineering»

Type of diploma and the volume of the educational program

Bachelor degree, unitary, 240 ECTS credits, the term of study – 3 years and 10 months.

Accreditation availability

Bachelor's training in the field is re-accredited by the decision of the SAC of Ukraine.
License – serial number АЕ № 636104


LNQF of Ukraine – level 6, FQ-EHEA – the first cycle, EQL-LLL – level 6


Full secondary education

Teaching languages


The duration of the educational program

Until July 01, 2025

Internet address of the permanent description of the educational program


2 – The purpose of the educational program

Competence acquisition in the field of software and hardware design (hardware- controlled, programmed, reconfigured, system and applied software) of universal and special-purpose computers and computer systems, including fixed, mobile, distributed, integrated etc., local, global computer networks and Internet, cyber-physical systems, Internet of things, IT-infrastructures, interfaces and interaction protocols of their components; creation of methods and methods of information processing, mathematical models of computing processes, technology of computations performing, including highly-productive, parallel, distributed, mobile, web-based and cloud, green (energy efficient), secure, autonomous, adaptive, intelligent, smart, etc.; architecture and organization of appropriate software and hardware functioning; creation and management of databases, information processing and data analysis; maintenance and operation of computer systems and networks; organization and the management of project work in the field of information technology.

3 – Characteristics of the educational program

Subject area (the field of knowledge, speciality, specialization (if any)

The field of knowledge: 12 «Information technologies» Speciality: 123 «Computer engineering»

Orientation of the educational program

The structure of the program involves the training of specialists being able to use computer engineering technologies independently

The main focus of the educational program and specialization

The program aims at mastering the basics of fundamental and practical knowledge in computer engineering.
Theoretical content of the subject area: notions, concepts, principles, methods, software and hardware and design technologies, computer systems and networks use and maintenance, embedded and distributed computing.
Keywords: programming, system programming, computer-aided design methods of computer systems and their components software and hardware, mathematical simulation methods, informational technologies, custom-made software design technologies, network, mobile and cloud computing technologies, computer architecture, computer systems, computer networks

Peculiarities of the program

Educational and professional program (240 credits) consists of training cycles providing the bachelor degree: humanities and social and economics training; mathematical, scientific and professional training cycles; vocational (professionally oriented) training cycle

4 – Eligibility of graduates for employment and further training

Eligibility for employment

The specialist is able to perform the enlisted professional activities according to the State professions classifier of Ukraine (DK 003:2010):

  • 3121 Technicians in the field of computer engineering: 3122 Technician of the computer center;
  • 3123 Design Technician (electronics);
  • 3119 Laboratory Assistant (Computer Science); 3121 Software Technician;
  • 3122 Computer Operator;
  • 2131 Computer System Professionals: 2131.1 Computer Designer;
  • 2131.2 Data Administrator; Database Administrator; Аccess administrator; Administrator of group access; Task Administrator; System administrator; Computer Data Bank Analyst; Computer Systems Engineer; Computer Software Engineer; Designer of Computer Systems;
  • 2132 Programming Professionals: 2132.2 Computer software developer; Software Engineer; Application programmer; Systems Programmer

Further training

Possible continuation of education on the second (master) level of higher education.
Acquiring of additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education.


5 – Teaching and assessment


Teaching and studying

Lectures, laboratory classes, practical and seminar classes, independent work on the basis of textbooks, tutorials and lecture notes, progress tutorials, bachelor degree project



Control of students' knowledge and skills is carried out in the form of current and final control. Assessment of students' level of knowledge is made according to the rating system. Ongoing control includes the control of students' knowledge, skills and competences at lectures, laboratory, practical classes, and while performing individual study tasks, control, calculation, calculation and design projects, term-papers and projects. The final control is carried out in the form of examinations, tests, final control and bachelor degree project with defense.


6 – Program competencies


Integral competency

Ability to solve complex special tasks and practical problems during professional activities in the computer field or training, which involves the application of theories and methods of computer engineering and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of the conditions.


General competencies (GC)

G1. Ability to think abstractly, analyze and synthesize


G2. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge having both team player skills and ability to work independently


G3.Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations and conduct research at the appropriate level


G4. Knowledge and understanding of the professional subject area activities


G5. Ability to communicate in both national and foreign languages in oral and written forms


G6. Interpersonal skills


G7. Ability to identify, set and solve problems


G8. Ability to work in a team


G9.The ability to pursue rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, supremacy of human civil rights and liberties in Ukraine


G10. Ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of the society on the basis of understanding the history and patterns of the subject area development, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, processes and technology, to use different types and forms of activity for active rest and keeping healthy lifestyle.


G11. Ability to make grounded decisions


G12. Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels (with experts in other fields of knowledge/ types economic activity)


Professional competencies of the speciality (PC)

P1. Ability to apply legal and regulatory frameworks, as well as national and international requirements, practices and standards for the purpose of professional activity in the field of computer engineering


P2.Ability to use modern methods for algorithmic and software design and programming languages


P3. Ability to design system for computer systems and networks and application software


P4. The ability to protect the information processed in computer and cyber physical systems and networks to implement the established information security policy


P5. Ability to use automation technology and systems of computer-aided design for the development of components of computer systems and networks, Internet applications, cyber-physical systems etc.


P6. Ability to design, implement and maintain computer systems and networks of various types and purposes


P7. Ability to use and deploy new technologies, including smart, mobile, green and secure computing technologies, to participate in the computer systems and networks upgrade, to upgrade various embedded and distributed applications, in particular to enhance the efficiency of the latter


P8. Willingness to participate in computer systems and networks implementation, putting them into operation on different objects


P9. Ability to administer, use, adapt and exploit systematically existing information technologies and systems


P10. Ability to organize workplaces, their technical infrastructure, placement of computer equipment, use of organizational, technical, algorithmic and other methods and means of information protection


P11. Ability to draw up the results obtained as presentations, scientific and technical reports


P12. Ability to identify, classify and describe the work of software, computer and cyber-physical systems, networks and their components using analytical and modeling methods


P13. The ability to solve problems in the field of computer and information technology, determine the limitations of these technologies


P14.The ability to design systems and their components taking into account all aspects of their lifecycle and the task having been set, including design, configuration, operation, maintenance and disposal


P15. Ability to prove the choice of solution methods for special tasks, critically evaluate the results, substantiate and defend the decisions made


Р16. The ability to design software for computer systems with parallel or distributed architecture, command of modern programming languages tools and of parallel programming libraries


Р17. Ability to apply organizational, technical, algorithmic and other methods and means of information protection in computer systems and networks, according to the legislation and standards in this field, with modern cryptosystems


Р18. Ability to design software and hardware for data interchange between the processor and external devices in software exchange mode, program interrupts, and direct memory access. Develop the architecture of input/output devices for different modes of interaction with the processor.


Р19. Ability to organize inter-module interactions and interactions with programming libraries. Programming the interaction with the equipment. Organize low-level and high-level input /output. Manage memory, files, processes, input /output devices.


7 – Program outcomes of studying



PO 1. To know and understand the scientific principles of computer facilities, systems and networks functioning


PO2.To have the skills of conducting research, collecting data, and modeling in computer systems


PO 3. To know the latest technologies in the field of computer engineering


PO 4.To know and understand the impact of technical solutions in public, social and environmental context


PO 5. To have knowledge of economics and project management fundamentals


PO 6.To know the features of system software design, as well as the general principles operating systems organization and functioning


PO 7.To know the principles of programming, tools of modern programming languages, basic data structures


PO 8. To know general methodological principles of modern computer systems with different organization construction and design to ensure high-performance information processing


PO 9. To know the principles, methods and means of design, construction and maintenance of modern computer networks of various kinds and purpose


PO 10. To know the basics of life safety and labour protection, the ability to adhere the latter in professional activity


PO 11.To know the modern theories of database organization , methods and technologies of their design and application



PO 12. To be able to apply knowledge to identify, formulate and solve technical problems of specialty using the most productive for the set goals achievement methods


PO 13. To be able to solve the problems of analysis and synthesis of tools, peculiar to the specialty


PO 14. Be able to think systematically and apply creativity to the new ideas formation


PO 15. To be able to apply knowledge of computer systems and networks software technical characteristics, design features, purpose and rules of operation for solution of technical problems peculiar to the specialty


PO 16. To be able to develop software for embedded and distributed applications, mobile and hybrid systems, to calculate and exploit equipment, typical for specialty


PO 17. To be able to search information in different sources for computer engineering problem solving


PO 18. To be able to work effectively both individually and as a part of team


PO 19. To be able to identify, classify and describe work of computer systems and their components


PO 20. To be able to combine theory and practice, as well as make decisions and develop aoopropriate strategy to meet the professional needs based on human values, public, state and industrial interests


PO 21. To be able to perform experimental research on professional topics


PO 22. To be able to evaluate the results obtained to defend in a well-argued manner the decisions made


PO 23. To know the methods and technologies of algorithms development and evaluation


PO 24.To know the basics of programming. To define the technology of programming, language, system of programming, tool infrastructure. To perform program code development.


PO 25. To consider the requirements to the systems of information protection. No create software and hardware subsystems of cryptographic information security. To generate and manage key information for authentification subsystems.


PO 26.To possess software methods and tools for parallel and distributed computer systems. To build a parallel algorithm and execute its analysis. To perform simulations of parallel computing.


PO 27. To perform physical database design. To optimize storage and data access methods. To develop software providing databases with high-level languages. To ensure data storage security


PO 28. To analyze user requirements, to develop specification for software requirements, perform their verification and certification. To apply and create reusable components. To implement modular and comprehensive software testing.



PO 29. To communicate on professional issues both orally and in writing in Ukrainian and one of the foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish)


PO 30. To use information technology for efficient communication at the professional and social levels


Autonomy and responsibility

PO 31. Ability to adapt to new situations, justify, make and implement within the competence of the decision


PO 32. To be aware of the need for life-long training to improve the acquired and acquiring new professional knowledge, creative thinking mastering


PO 33. To perform work well and achieve the set goal according to the requirements of professional ethics


8 – Resource support for the implementation of the program


Personnel support

Training of bachelors is carried out by doctors of sciences, professors, candidates of sciences, associate professors, senior lectures with sufficient experience of practical, scientific and student teaching work.


Material and technical support

Modern computer technology, multimedia systems, control and measuring devices, software and technical means automation and design automation systems


Information, studying and methodological support

Teaching process is provided with textbooks, inquiry books and study guides, developed by lecturers of department. Wi-Fi Internet access is provided throughout the university.


9 – Academic mobility


National credit mobility

According to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and Regulations for organization of educational process in Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.


International Credit Mobility

Within the framework of Erasmus + program, basing on collateral contracts between Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University and educational institutions of partner countries – Inter- institutional agreement 2015-2020 between programme countries 7.11.2016. (Erasmus+ Programme).
Cooperation agreement between Lublin University of Technology (Poland) and Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University from June, 26, 2015.


Studying of foreign applicants for higher education

Possible after studying Ukrainian, Russian or English by foreign applicants



List of components of the educational and professional program and their logical consistency


List of components of educational and professional program:



Components of educational and professional program (educational disciplines, course projects (works), practices, qualification work

Number of credits

Assessment form


Mandatory program components


General training cycle


MC 1

Ukrainian Studies




MC 2

Life Safety, Civil Protection




MC 3

Physical Training




MC 4





MC 5

Legal regulation of public relations in Ukraine




Professional training cycle


MC 6

High Mathematics


Exam, Diff.


MC 7





MC 8

Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics




MC 9

Algorithms and Calculation Methods




MC 10

Discrete Mathematics




MC 11

Computer Electronics and Circuit Technique




MC 12



Exam, Test, Diff.


MC 13

Computer Logic


Exam, TP


MC 14

Computer Architecture


Exam, TP, Diff.


MC 15

System Programming




MC 16

Data Bases Organization


Exam, Test


MC 17

System Software


Exam, TP


MC 18

Technologies of computer systems design


Diff, TP


MC 19

Computer Systems




MC 20

Computer Networks


Exam, TP


MC 21

Parallel and Discrete Calculations




MC 22

Information Safety in Computer Systems




MC 23

Software Engineering


Exam, Test


Total amount of mandatory components:



Selective program components


Professionally-oriented disciplines


Variant А


SK 1

Applied programming



SK 2

Theory of Information and Coding



SK 3

Computer Facilities



SK 4

Logic Programming



SK 5

Peripheral Items



SK 6

Programming for ОS UNIX



SK 7




Variant B

SK 1

Object-oriented programming



SK 2

Cryptography fundamentals



SK 3

Computer technologies fundamentals



SK 4

Functional programming



SK 5

Input-Output system Software



SK 6

System Programming of UNIX Similar to OS



SK 7

Foreign language



Disciplines of student’s free choice *

SK 8

Option “Software engineering of hypertext and interface applications”



SK 9

Option “Signal and image processing”



SK 10

Option “Computer Graphics”



Total amount of selective components: 72,5

3. Practical training

MC 25

Process engineering training



MC 26

Pre-graduation Internship



MC 27

Degree Project, defense



Total amount of practical training




2. Form of certification of higher education applicants

Public defense of Degree Paper.

Requirements for Degree Paper. The Degree Paper must contain the results of analytical and theoretical, system and technical or experimental studies being performed according to one of the current tasks of the specialty 123 "Computer Engineering" within the Bachelor's professional activities, as well as the results of design, modeling, implementation and testing of computer-based tasks and demonstration of the achievement of learning outcomes determined by the standard of specialty and educational program, the ability of the authors to present their views on the topic of paper logically and on the basis of modern scientific methods, to justify the choice of hardware and software, to make sound conclusions and formulate specific proposals and recommendations relevant to the results received.

The Degree Paper can be free of academic plagiarism, fraud and write-offs.

The Degree Papers will be further published in the Kremenchuk National Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi University repository.