Topics of research works

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Practical value for the economy and society


Smart helicopter flight simulator (scientific, mathematical and methodological support)

Mykola Huchenko, Anna Yudina, Nataliia Sokhin, Arsenii Korostelov (Magister student)

Flight safety is an actual practical problem in Ukraine and the world, both in civil and military aviation. According to statistics, up to 90% of disasters are caused by the crew fault. The quality of flight training is a major factor in flight safety. A helicopter is a complex to control and expensive machine, and the process of pilot training is long, expensive and dangerous. However, modern information technologies make it possible to train pilots at a flight simulator, which is, in fact, a distributed computer system that creates a virtual reality for the pilot. The simulator, as a didactic tool, has both disadvantages (in particular, negative acceleration and visual effects) and significant advantages over a real helicopter, in particular, it allows to organize the training process optimally, make it safe, reduce the cost of training, practice actions in emergency situations, which is often impossible on a real helicopter (for example, in case of a tail rotor loss), reduce environmental pollution and financial and humanitarian losses due to disasters. However, it is possible to use these advantages and compensate for the disadvantages only through the introduction and development of on-board means of artificial intelligence, mathematical and physical modeling and information technologies, which is what this project is dedicated to.
The practical value of the expected results for the needs of the economy, air force and civil aviation of Ukraine and Great Britain lies in the maximum use of the didactic advantages of flight simulators for the scientifically based flight training organization according to the criteria of cost, duration and effectiveness. The social effect of the expected work is the reduction of the material, financial, environmental and moral damages as a result of aviation disasters.


Smart on-board flight simulator hardware-software biometric complex for monitoring and analyzing the psychophysical state of a pilot

Mykola Huchenko, Dmytro Kukharenko, Oleksii Yurko, Kyrylo Vadurin (PhD student)

Flight safety is an actual practical problem in Ukraine and the world. According to statistics, up to 90% of disasters occur due to the crew fault. At the same time, onboard flight parameters recorder writes  several dozen parameters of the aircraft state and not a single pilot parameter.
The complex is a set of biometric sensors that do not bother the crew and allow observing its behavior, recording, computer processing of biological parameters and objective assessment of the psychophysical state of the crew in flight, in particular thanks to the software for analyzing the state of the crew (built-in expert system).
The main task of the complex is to identify and analyze the critical states of crew members, namely: stress, fatigue, falling asleep, reduced reaction speed, unpreparedness for immediate actions to eliminate emergency situations, the effects of narcotic substances, loss of consciousness, etc., and erroneous actions, for example, incorrect distribution of attention when piloting by instruments.
The practical expediency and importance of the complex creation  lies in the fact that customers will have the opportunity to solve a number of important tasks in the field of increasing flight safety (active formation of the flight image, objective assessment of the difficulty of tasks and psychophysiological reserves of the crew, assessment of psychological compatibility, detection of erroneous actions, detection the most powerful stress factors and situations in which the pilot feels the least confident, finding ways out of stressful situations, individualizing training, etc.). It is possible to evaluate and select aircraft crews, provide flight advisory assistance to crews, prevent and investigate aviation events, conduct scientific research on pilot behavior modeling, and improve the information model of the simulator.
The practical value of the expected results for the needs of the economy, the air force and civil aviation of Ukraine and Great Britain lies in the prevention of disasters due to the early detection of critical conditions of the human operator.
The social effect of the expected work results is the reduction of material, financial, environmental and moral damages as a result of aviation disasters.


System of technological and environmental safety of the industrial region based on smart devices for monitoring and assessing the environmental condition

Baharev V., Perekrest A., Kushch-Zhyrko M., (PhD student), Ocheretnyi V. (PhD student)

The value of the expected results for the needs of the development of the country and the general human community lies in the creation of complex systems for monitoring the environmental safety of man-made urban systems based on the integration of subsystems of various functional purposes and subordination, which has no analogues in Ukraine and abroad.
The social effect is caused by increasing the awareness of the population and authorities regarding archival, current and forecast values ​​of the state of environmental security at the level of a certain urban system. The economic component of the effect is due to the exclusion of the costs of the authorities for the treatment of potential diseases of various segments of the population due to the constant understanding of the risks of their physical presence in zones of increased environmental danger.


Information technology for social media monitoring based on data mining

Sydorenko V., Rychok Y. (Magister)

Broadband access to the Internet almost anywhere on the planet and the availability of modern communication gadgets for almost every citizen of a civilized state has expanded the possibility of communication, primarily through social media: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram messengers, Telegram, etc.
In the process of communication, social media users exchange diverse content that contains both semantic and sentimental components: text messages, emoticons, photos, and video messages. At the same time, informal and non-normative vocabulary, memes, a specific manner of writing, etc. are used, which can be defined as complicated content and which provides a huge amount of information not only regarding the semantics and emotional component, but also actually determines the handwriting of the authors of the opinions, on on the basis of which the patterns of certain groups of users can be determined and studied. In turn, this would make it possible to identify and study certain target groups of users and implement targeted influence on them in the future.
The value of the expected results for the needs of the development of the country and the general human community lies in the creation of information technologies for the analysis of the processes taking place in social media, in particular the monitoring, processing and analysis of such content. The availability of such tools provides an opportunity to increase the efficiency of the work of sociological companies, local self-government bodies, special services.
The work is relevant in the field of research of target audiences and feedback to them both for local self-government bodies and at the state level, countering information attacks during the conduct of information wars. The economic component is due to the reduction of costs for the organization of monitoring groups, the reduction of time for collecting and processing information, etc.


Image processing and recognition in environmental monitoring tasks.

Mamchur D., Nykyforov V., Baharev V., Yatsiuk R.

The use of air drones would help to promptly obtain good-resolution ecosystem images in the area, which, in turn, would help to efficient planning and development in agricultural sector, as well as monitor and provide suggestions for improvement environment ecology in the region and its impact on the healthcare.
Kremenchuk is a big industrial center surrounded by agricultural lands. Thus, on the one hand, we have a problems associated with ecology degradation caused by pollutions, and, on the other hand, we need to improve planning process in agricultural sector. Modern advances in the area employs airborne photography both for ecological monitoring and as a crop management tool.
Our university has experience in image processing, drone employment and different monitoring systems development, as well as partner relations with industrial companies, ecology protection organizations and regional paragliding federation, which would help in development efficient environment monitoring system. Thus, development of a such monitoring system can provide at least 2 significant economical results:

  1. Help to increase crop in agricultural sector.
  2. Improvement in ecology monitoring would help to decrease disease rates related to pollutions in region and save unique Dnipro-bassin eco-system.