Zilinskyy Yuriy Volodymyrovych

Senior Lecturer


Google Scholar

Education: Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Kharkiv State University. M. Gorky (now V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University) in 1994.

Work experience in higher education institutions of the IV accreditation level: 28 years.

Employed by the department since 1995.

The main stages of pedagogical and scientific activity in higher educational institutions of III-IV level of accreditation:

  • 1995-2001 - Assistant of the Department of Computer Engineering and Programming, Kremenchuk Branch of Kharkiv State Polytechnic University;
  • Since 2001 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Computer and Information Systems, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradsky State University.

Courses: "System programming", "System software", "Peripherals".

Scientific interests: operating systems, system programming, information security.

Patents for inventions, declaratory patents for inventions or utility models, certificates of copyright registration for works: Tsventarnyi R.S., Marusina O.V., Zilinskyi Y.V. "A computer program for demonstrating the algorithm for minimizing Boolean functions by the Quine-McCluskey method." Certificate of copyright registration for official work No. 38762 dated 06/23/2011.

Practical work experience: Romad LLC, Windows kernel-mode developer, 2012 - 2020.

Certification training:

  1. Certificate of professional development No. ПК 05385631/01861-20 "Improving the organization and content of training in the specialty 123 Computer Engineering", KrNU, 07.12.2020–21.12.2020, 120 hours. (4 credits).
  2. Certificate "IT Ukraine AssociationTeacher's Internship program held by EPAM Systems", 08.2022–09.2022, 180 hours. (6 credits).
  3. Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens (dComFra) certificate, No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP module "Online Collaboration", 01.08.2022–05.09.2022, 60 hours (2 credits).


Email: zilinskyi968@ukr.net

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/zilinskyi-yurii-521813107